SuperCasino Supports States Rights in Online Gambling’s Future

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SuperCasino Supports States Rights in Online Gambling's FutureOne of the the giants in online and mobile gambling, SuperCasino, is stepping forward to voice strong opposition to lawmakers looking to ban online gambling at the federal level.

Not surprisingly, the company would like to see the nascent online gambling market in the U.S. continue to flourish.

Speaking against the National Conference of State Legislatures to a proposed nationwide online gambling ban, SuperCasino is making its case by arguing for states to determine their own destinies on this matter.

“Putting the power to legalize or ban online gambling in the hands of each individual state offers greater choice to lawmakers to decide what is best for the residents of their state,” a spokesperson for the company said this week.

“Regulated internet gambling is also a fantastic way of generating tax revenue for governments that can then be pumped into worthy causes such as medical funding and schools, and removing this money could have a significant knock-on effect,” the statement concludes. “Giving states the ability to decide for themselves seems like the smart option, with places such as Delaware, Nevada and New Jersey having already legalized the practice.”

Last month, both Democratic and Republican lawmakers introduced bills in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate that aim to kill an industry before it’s even born.

Facing what could be an uphill battle in Congress, it isn’t clear if either bill stands a fighting chance of passage. Nonetheless, the fight will be had.

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