California Could Legalize Online Poker by 2014

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California Could Legalize Online Poker by 2014In a new interview shared on with Becky Liggero, John Pappas – the Executive Director of Poker Players Alliance (PPA) – gave some insight into the future of online poker in America.

One of the most positive progressions that Pappas sees is California passing an online poker bill by early 2014.

As reported by, Pappas spoke confidently that the different tribes were all on board for the idea and just needed to work out how to make it happen. He expressed his thought that the full bill should be passed “by the end of January, middle of February 2014 in California.”

Pappas also commented in the interview that the PPA is currently focused statewide because the federal government is more consumed with issues like Syria, debates about healthcare and immigration reform, and other matters that occupy an already “polarized” congress. He did say, however, that they would push for federal legislation just with “the realistic expectation” that it will be difficult.

Other states that Pappas pointed to for a possible future in passing online poker bills include Pennsylvania and New York.

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