Native Americans Recognize 25 Years Under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act

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Native Americans Recognize 25 Years Under the Indian Gaming Regulatory ActThe Indian Gaming Regulatory Act is now 25 years old.

When the IGRA was signed into law this week one quarter of a century ago, many tribal leaders strongly opposed the federal policy as an infringement on the sovereignty of Indian Country to operate casino-style gaming facilities on tribal lands.

In retrospect, says Robert Smith, the Chairman of the California Tribal Business Alliance, the IGRA – while limiting – has ultimatekly proven “to be one of the most progressive economic tools for many tribes, particularly in California.”

The IGRA has forever changed the face of gaming in this country, he adds, making IGRA’s 25th anniversary one worth recognizing.

“It’s the one federal Indian policy—amidst a host of failed policies that the federal government has tried to implement over the years—that has truly helped promote and strengthen economic development and self-determination among tribal governments,” Smith said in a news release.

“While the policy has its limitations,” he adds. “IGRA allows America to live up to its promise to American Indians and fulfills the visions of Presidents Obama and Reagan, respectively, to ‘honor treaties and recognize tribes’ inherent sovereignty and right to self-government under U.S. law’ and to restore tribal governments to their rightful place among the governments of this nation and to enable tribal governments, along with state and local governments to resume control over their affairs.”

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