Digital Solution May Be the Future of Casino Raffles

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Digital Solution May Be the Future of Real Money RafflesIn the digital age, more than just marketing is going high-tech. Even the good old-fashioned gigantic mixing drum used in raffles taking place everywhere from casino lobbies to bingo halls are doing digital.

A newly-created digital mixing drum solves a number of organizational, logistical, and even ethical problems long associated with traditional raffles and opens up “endless opportunities to attract new players and drive sales.”

Lotteries, casinos and other gaming outlets need efficient and certifiable raffle drawing results and the solution had been to digitize the drawings. But computerized drawings lose the excitement of a visual event and limit the type of entries that can be used.

Smartplay’s “Origin Digital Mixing Drum” provides what a computer algorithm can’t.

“Players get the exciting spectacle of publicly viewing a drawing, while operators gain the ability to mix anything from non-sequential ticket numbers to second-chance tickets,” the makers say. “Previously, old fashioned mixing drums were the only option to getting both of these features.”

The Digital Mixing Drum can randomize anything that can be made into a list, create animated and still images of the drawing, populate draw reports, and create auditable log files. But unlike the old mixing drum, this system can be independently certified.

“We are excited by this product’s potential uses outside the lottery world,” said Smartplay Executive VP Tom Markert, in a news release. “For example, casinos can use it to promote player loyalty or use it for promotional or internal games of chance. Marketing promotions can use our system to promote product games like those used by fast-food chains, clothing lines or sports clubs, for example. There are so many opportunities beyond the lottery industry; I can’t even list them all.”

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