Vietnam Cracking Down on Mobile, Online Gambling

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Vietnam Cracking Down on Online GamblingAccording to a new report from Online-Casinos, there has been an extremely high increase in online gambling in Vietnam — specifically, betting on different sporting events such as the FIFA World Cup.

So how much are people really gambling out there? Lieutenant General Tran Trong Luong told that; “A report from Interpol was regarding cyber crime in Vietman cost the economy much as $400 billion per year, which is greater than drug trafficking crimes.” Luong continued saying that, “These crimes have seriously affected national security and social order and threatens the nations economic development.”

What are the authorities planning to do about this?  Well, some of the gambling rings have been discovered and their internet IP addresses were uncovered and stopped.

However, other perpetrators remain at large. Consequently, Deputy Minister of Public Security Senior Leitenant General Lee Quy Vuong says “there is a urgent need to combat these types of criminal activities with more manpower and technology from key sectors, especially in Internet administration and banking practices.”

“Supervisions of transactions from Viet Nam to abroad and vice versa, as well as suspicious transactions should be stepped up,” Vuong added. He concludes by saying those efforts not only help reduce the number of illegal gamblers, but also sent a warning to those intending to gamble online.”

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