TheScore Looks to Score with Legalized Online, Mobile Sports Betting

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TheScore Looks to Score with Legalized Online, Mobile Sports BettingWith the recent success Amaya Gaming Group has experienced in the world of online sports betting, TheScore Inc. has taken note and is looking to enter the world of online sports betting too.

According to Trading Desk, TheScore Inc. is currently in talks with an online casino that already has an active following of online gamblers to add “Bet Now” buttons throughout their online casino, for upcoming global sporting events.

With online gambling growing at a rapid rate around the world and to a smaller degree in the U.S., TheScore Inc. sees this as an opportunity to generate an additional $50 million each year in the states alone. With sports betting having a larger audience base, it is approximately 10 times more popular than poker.

It is estimated that the current illegal online sports betting market in the U.S. is a $500 billion dollar a year industry, meaning that regulated sports betting stands to take a substantial piece of that pie.

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