Hey, NJ Online Gambling! How You Doin’?

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How You DoinRutgers University recently set out to discover how online gambling in New Jersey is going. And they have been given more than a million dollars by the State of New Jersey to conduct the study, according to the AP.

Online betting has been legal in New Jersey for about a year and is one of three states in the US where it is legal.

According to the professor who is spearheading the survey, Dr. Lai Nower, “…iGaming is a new frontier and no one knows quite what to expect. It’s a real testament to the governor and the division that they’re taking such a responsible approach to evaluating potential negative impacts, and we are really honored to be a part of it.”

The survey is set to start in January and will look at all aspects of online gambling, from how much money it makes for the state of New Jersey to what kinds of detrimental effects it might have on those who participate in it. 3,500 individuals in New Jersey will be interviewed via phone or internet about how often they gamble online and their personal opinions about online gambling.

Once the survey is complete, a second one will take place about a year and a half afterwards in order to get a clear picture of opinions and effects of online gambling in New Jersey.

Clearly, big hopes are pinned on online gambling in New Jersey, following a brutal 2014 that saw one-third of Atlantic City’s casinos go under.

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