Mobile Hotel Reservations Continue to Grow at a Rapid Rate

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Mobile Hotel Reservations Continue to Grow at a Rapid RateTravel used to be a luxury, and something that you had to plan and save for many months ahead of time. However, with nearly 50% of travelers booking same day or next day travel and hotel accommodations, it is clear that travel has become both more affordable, and more last-minute.

With many hotels and airlines providing impressive last-minute deals in order to fill to capacity, the number of hotel reservations done on mobile devices continues to grow. Globally, more that 25% of travel arrangements are booked on mobile devices. When looking at in the United States, over 80% of hotel reservations are booked on mobile devices.

There are also a few other trends to consider when speaking in terms of mobile travel arrangements, such as the most popular mobile travel destinations. In the US, the top five most popular domestic destinations booked on mobile devices include New York City, Las Vegas, Orlando, Los Angeles, and San Diego. When looking at the most popular international destinations, the top five booked on mobile devices are Toronto, Vancouver, London, Cancun, and Paris.

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