mGaming: The Week’s Top Stories

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mGaming The Week’s Top StoriesHere are some of the top stories in mobile and online gaming that we’ve been monitoring in recent days.

Gone are the days when marketing related efforts by casinos has to be somewhat muted for fear of turning off potential patrons who were likely more interested in a casino’s entertainment or dining selections than its gambling options.

The American Gaming Association may have been compelled to withdraw its support for online gaming (at least for the time being), but the AGA hasn’t stopped working aggressively to push the benefits of gaming across the U.S.

As one of only three states to allow real money online gambling, New Jersey is now home to scores of casinos and gaming operators that have begun reassessing their marketing strategies and tactics for online gambling.

This week, U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated in his Republican primary election by David Brat, a largely unknown Tea Party-backed economics professor who delivered an immense upset to the No. 2 Republican in the House.

What’s going on with Apple and Bitcoin? Like many online platforms, Apple has had to make some decisions about use of the controversial virtual currency known as Bitcoin (and note there are others on the horizon).

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