Caesars to Include Online Gambling in Restructuring

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Caesars to Include Online Gambling in RestructuringMost of the gambling industry believes that they are quickly reaching market saturation when it comes to the number of casinos or betting resorts in the market. Instead of opening new venues, casinos are trying to come up with ways to make their guests stay longer and spend more money, including restructuring their games so that players get more streaks of good luck, and are therefore more immune to the bad luck when it comes around.

Figuring out how to do this has been especially important for Caesars Palace and affiliated casinos, which have been struggling over the last few years to stay above water, despite more people gambling now than ever.

Though on the verge of veritable financial meltdown, Caesars has made a play for the online gambling market, hoping that it will boost sales, under pressure from investors.

“Caesars has been accused by some of its second level holders of the Caesars debt of transferring some of its more profitable assets into its Caesars Growth Partners,” reports Online-Casinos. “The returns for these investors may be lean as will the incomes of the less than one percent of the 6800 people who work for Caesars Entertainment who will lose their jobs. The company CEO Gary Loveman has said he intends to trim $300 million from the expense side of the ledger. “

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