Inks Partnership with Thumbstar Games

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Play-by-Play Social Sports App JetBet Ready for Holiday Kick OffMGW learned on Wednesday that Inc., a cloud-based mobile rewards platform provider, has entered into a partnership with Thumbstar Games, a digital developer, distributor and publisher of mobile games.

According to an emailed statement, Perk has partnered with Thumbstar Games in the launch of their app, Learn2Fly, which will include Perk’s Appsaholic Rewarded Moments SDK, “a highly customizable software development kit that leverages Perk’s rewards platform to retain, engage and monetize users with Perk Points and real-world rewards.”

Thumbstar Games, we’re told, intends to integrate Perk’s rewards platform into all of its legacy products and future game launches which includes over 50 million users worldwide.

“Perk’s Appsaholic Rewarded Moments SDK provides publishers with an opportunity to reward, retain, and monetize their users by utilizing our mobile rewards program,” says Adam Salamon, Chief Operating Officer of Perk. “The same mobile rewards program that has garnered so much success for the Company and accelerated us to the number one position as a mobile rewards provider. We are excited to partner with a leading publisher such as Thumbstar Games to bring rewards to their large, global user base.”

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