Will Online Gambling Hit It Big in South America?

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Will Online Gambling Hit It Big in South AmericaWith regulations still holding firm in most of North American, online gambling casinos are turning to other countries for new avenues of revenue. Most South American countries also have strict regulations when it comes to instituting gambling, and because it appears that most of the profits will be made outside the country, it might be difficult to get the necessary licenses. Even so, it looks like Central and South America may be the next big markets for online gambling.

In 2013, two major gambling conferences were held in South America, as well as others, which explored the possibility of expanding current gambling markets into countries that are not yet saturated. This indicates that culture is becoming more open to the idea of casinos and gambling. While most of the conferences discussed only the building of the brick and mortar casinos, it could also open the door for online casinos.

Victor Arias Lopez, who runs CasinoFantasia.com, has said, “For the last 7 years of my career on the online gaming industry I have focused my research and work on the Latin-American market. It is really important to recognize the interesting growth and interest from the biggest companies all around the world to conquest a market with a population of over 600 million people in 27 countries which are having an important economic growth and the power of acquisition is getting better every day. As a result of these factors, the investors become more interested.”

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