Is the Casino Industry Facing a Shortage of Marketing Talent?

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Is the Casino Industry Facing a Shortage of Marketing TalentAccording to the latest hiring data across the digital landscape, social media and mobile tech-related companies are now among the most attractive firms for talented marketing minds who are both wet behind the ears and savvy from decades of hands-on experience.

Where does that leave the casino industry? Out of luck, if you ask a growing number of Las Vegas marketing veterans.

“Casino marketing isn’t as sexy as it used to be,” one industry source recently told the U.K.’s Guardian.

Unfortunately for Las Vegas and other markets where physical gaming establishments still depend on the presence and engagement of gamblers, the loss of marketing talent to digital-focused companies comes as a huge blow.

And it also comes as a warning to a gaming world still too focused on traditional marketing tactics – like direct mail – which are quickly losing their luster and impact.

As mGamingWatch has routinely reported since launching last year, some believe that the only way for casinos in Las Vegas to dig themselves out from recession is to get back to doing that which they used to do best: market themselves effectively and to no end.

Nevada’s largest casinos sustained a combined net loss of $1.35 billion last year, marking the fifth straight year without an overall profit.

So where can Sin City’s veteran marketers turn their attention to begin their marketing comeback? Here are some clues.

According to the Nevada Gaming Control Board, total revenue of the 263 casinos documented in the report actually climbed for the third straight year. Revenue was up nearly $100 million over 2012. Why? Gamers still want to play and they’re still willing to pay to play.

From aggressively promoting online gambling platforms through the digital channel to cultivating a renewed sense of gamer loyalty through mobile reward programs and improved communication through SMS and mobile messaging, Nevada’s biggest gaming giants – marketing experts say – must turn their marketing efforts toward digital and mobile in 2014.

Nevada casinos haven’t been in the red since prior to the 2008 recession.

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